Hedge Riding

One aspect of hedge witchcraft is engaging in a form of Otherworldly travel called hedge riding. The hedge is the symbolic boundary between the two worlds and this book will teach you how to cross that hedge. While hedge riding, the hedge rider’s consciousness travels to another place, the otherworld, which is also the realm of the collective unconscious. There the rider guided by his or her animal and spirit guides, encounters archetypal symbols and assimilates this knowledge to help guide her or him on their pathway.

The hedge riding aspect of hedge witchery is perhaps the most difficult part of the hedge witch pathway. This book focuses on that aspect alone and is an experiential guide. If you want to learn more about hedge witchcraft, there is an accompanying book in this series, Pagans Portals — Hedge Witchcraft. Magic for Hedge witches is out on 27 May, 2022

Hedge Riding offers a quick, clean read on a lesser-known practice in witchcraft. Harmonia Saille writes in a personable, accessible manner as she answers questions about Hedge Riding, such as “what happens when you encounter a dark entity?” and the etiquette of working with spirits. This title from Moon Book’s Pagan Portals series is one of the first four titles released that offer introductions to rarely covered topics in Paganism. Hedge Witchcraft practitioners that engage with other magical people sometimes speak of a sense of isolation, a common price of following a solitary path. Saille fills this gap in one small way with her brief overview to one of the most advanced practices in Hedge Witchcraft.

Diana Rajchel, Facing North

This slim volume serve as a great introduction to the history and methods of hedge riding, a form of spirit travel within the witchcraft folks traditions. Riding the hedge is often confused with astral travel and pathworking, but Saille puts the confusion to rest. Using clear examples and sharing from a deep well of personal experiences, Saille brings back this mysterious practice, making it relevant for modern Witches today.

David D. Salisbury, Amazon

Amazon UK: Buy Paperback, ISBN: 978-1-78099-348-5

Amazon UK: Buy ebook, ISBN: 978-1-78099-349-2

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