Hedge Witchcraft


Hedge witchery in general is experiential and a slow and natural progression of interests and events often experienced from childhood and persisting all through your life. As Aristotle said, ‘For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.’

Learning by experiencing is about trusting your instincts and connecting with your inner spirit.

There is no dogma attached to hedge witchcraft. There are no tenets to follow. The path of a hedge witch is very much an individual one, and it is a solitary practice. In this way, this book is based on my own experiences as a hedge witch living in Ireland and following a Celtic path.

This book will guide you if you wish to read more about hedge witchcraft as a pathway, or are already following such a path and wish to progress. It only has a little about hedge riding as this book has too small a scope to include it. Please read my accompanying book in the Pagan Portal series, Hedge Riding. For a book on magical practice, Magic for Hedge Witches is on 27 May 2022.

Harmonia Saille’s two books on Hedge Witchcraft are a true delight, being both informative and entertaining. Hedge Witchcraft is often mentioned ‘in passing’ but seldom examined in detail. Harmonia rectifies that oversight with her revelations of that practice as it may be followed throughout the year. Anyone, Witch or otherwise, who feels a true affinity with Nature will appreciate the explanations and teachings found in these books. I very much recommend them. ~ Raymond Buckland

Harmonia writes, “When you touch something you directly connect with it”. This is exactly what you the reader will do when you take her book, Hedge Witchcraft into your heart. You won’t just read this book, you will have a deep beautiful experience of the connectedness of all beings. Somehow, you get close to the soul of the author, and you get closer to yourself as she walks her talk in each page. You feel nature seeping into your heart, wide open to absorb each line fully, with delight and often with awe. At times I felt I was being lead into a deep meditation with sentences like “feel the rough bark of the tree, …hum, sing, whistle as you join the sounds of nature” etc. She whispers to us, ” Remove the line that lies between you and the hills, lakes, rivers, oceans” And she is by our side as we follow her whispers. What I really like about Harmonia’s book “Hedge Witchcraft ” is that it is full of soul, full of who we all are, and maybe have forgotten . Harmonia, keep reminding us of our true nature, our divine beingness. ~ Phyllida Anam-Aire, A Celtic Priestess.

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