Spiritual Runes

Runes are a tool for personal growth and spiritual transformation. They can help you in your everyday life and everyday decisions. When you cast the runes they will tap into your unconscious, they will talk to you, teach you and guide you. They will help you to get to know the real you, the whole you, by guiding you on a journey of self-discovery. Harmonia Saille will take you step-by-step in learning the wise and mystical runes and she will help you to form a spiritual and personal connection with them. She discusses how when you become familiar with them, the runes begin to communicate with you and help you to develop your intuitive abilities. You will learn how to interpret the rune signs drawing on this intuition in combination with the symbolism. This guide to the Elder Futhark addresses all aspects of rune philosophy, including mythology, cosmology, psychology and magic.

Harmonia Saille is an English writer, lecturer and researcher. A practicing Hedge Witch, she holds workshops in the runes and other subjects both locally and at international spiritual events.

I met Harmonia Saille last September during PaGE (Pagan Gathering) in Belgium. She gave a workshop in about “The Spiritual Runes” which we later organised as a series of two workshops in April/May 2009, in Amsterdam. We also published an article recently by Harmonia in Wiccan Rede, – “Connecting With Runes”, Imbolc 2009. This book forms the basis of the above mentioned workshop(s) and article. Now having the book to refer to is really helpful. Harmonia’s emphasis is on making a spiritual connection with the runes, so the runes can speak to us as the mouthpiece of the Gods. First however, Harmonia looks at the history of the runes and rune lore. She goes onto discuss the practical application of reading the runes with various exercises, including making a set of runes. In rune magic Harmonia looks at the various forms of magic, Seidhr and Galdr. Having followed the workshops and done some of the exercises in combination with the book, I have found Harmonia’s method very effective. In easy to follow English the runes have become accessible and yet lose none of their mystery.

Morgana Sythove, Wiccan Rede

With the ever-growing popularity of runes as a divination system, there can probably never be too many books written about them. Here is a new one – The Spiritual Runes by Harmonia Saille. This is one book that should not be missed. It is new in its approach and full of useful information and instruction. If you don’t use the runes but simply have a passing interest; then this book is for you. If you do use the runes, and wish to improve both your knowledge and your ability to use them well, then this is very definitely the book for you. As Harmonia Saille says, “There (is) always something new to discover about them.” The runes are a secret language; a code or cipher that can be unlocked . . . and this book is the key.

Raymond Buckland, The Buckland Romani Tarot

Amazon UK: Buy paperback. ISBN: 978-1-84694-201-3
Amazon UK: Buy ebook. ISBN: 978-1-78904-538-3
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