Spring is Official

As always I am preoccupied with spring as it’s my favourite season. With the Equinox here, spring it is official. So I’ve rooted out my ornamental eggs to display for the next month. Sprigs of early blossom decorate my altar.

Spring, if you haven’t already guessed, is my favourite time of year. This is an extract from my book Pagan Portals – Hedge Witchcraft on spring with extra comments.

The Spring Equinox

At the Spring Equinox, I honour the coming fertility of the land and Brigid remains my goddess of the season as the maiden coming into full bloom. Mother Nature brings us an evolution of beauty, fertility is abounding and lambing season has begun. Insects begin to appear again, and on sunny days we begin to hear the buzzing of the bumblebee (had a few really big ones in the house this year but managed to catch them in a cup), while the birds appear to sing all the louder. We know that at this time of year there is still a risk of snow, but we soon see the blades of grass peeping up through the whiteness, and know that it will be short lived and next week we could be out without our coats and jackets (hope so it’s gone so much colder).

In March, I bring out my symbols of spring, eggs and the hare, and place around the house to signify fertility and rebirth. Spring is here now with a vengeance. The fresh green of the hawthorn is a sight to behold on walks and even when driving (this is later this year). I love to put yellow everywhere as I think of spring being the yellow time of year and a time of optimism. Crocus, daffodils, primroses, forsythia, coltsfoot, charlock and lesser celandine are just some of the flowers to be seen over March and April. Every day out walking there is something to get excited about. Changes happen rapidly and from one day to the next, we see something new.

Try to get out into the countryside. After the cold, dark winter months, we need the tonic that being out in the wildness of nature brings. In the milder, sometimes wet, spring, breathe in the earthy smells, this is particularly so in the woods and forest.

For celebration, I decorate the house and leave offerings to Brigid on my outdoor altar. I have yellow candles lit. Yellow cheers me up (as you may have guessed by now); it provides optimism, creativity, happiness, prosperity and luck.

With the warmth returning we often have a hopeful attitude to life. Spring often brings with it rejuvenation and inspiration. When the clocks change we remember whether they go back or forward by the saying, ‘spring forward, fall back.’ Spring forward is appropriate and it means progression. Our potential is unlimited and we always have room to grow. If you have been planning to do something, why not put it into action. If you are always saying that ‘at the right time’ you will do this and that, well you might find that you have been saying this for a long time, as the ‘right time’ never seems to come. So make the right time now.

On the Spring Equinox it’s good to have a special altar with yellow dominating for overall success, happiness, motivation and creativity. Daffodils are still a favourite flower, but primroses, and any other bright spring flower too. There is growing fertility all around us. If people come to a ritual of mine then I ask them to bring something from nature for the altar that reminds them of the season.

In the ritual, whether solitary or with others, I ask for inspiration and motivation to carry out the projects and plans that I or we have already begun or plan to begin.

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